Marmorland Herd forms part of Aberdeen Top Genetics OÜ (ATG), which started out life in June 2006 with the purchase of 37 purebred Aberdeen-Angus beef heifers of breeding age and two young bulls from Scotland for rearing under organic conditions.
Essentially a family company, Marmorland is owned by Rünno Marmor but run by his son Meelis, who is responsible for day-to-day operations, and his daughter-in-law Piret, who is responsible for marketing and foreign relations.The company has 636 ha of land at its disposal.
ATG began developing the company as a pedigree breeding farm in 2007, when it bought in a further 35 high-quality breeding heifers from one of Scotland’s most prestigious herds, Rosemount. 46 ha of long-term grazing land have been sown for the main herd, and a further 40 ha for the young bulls. There are also 260 ha of mixed legume crops for mowing,
[LT1] and more than 9 km of new pens have been erected.
We have purchased Pearson equipment for the driving, selection, weighing and restraint of livestock.
Veterinary and genetic blood tests have been carried out on the entire herd.
ATG is a member of the Estonian Beef Breeders Association.
ATG is the first company in Estonia to have been accepted as a member of the Scottish Aberdeen-Angus Cattle Society (membership certificate no. 5852), and in accordance with Scottish tradition its herd was named ‘Marmorland’.
All of ATG’s livestock are registered with the Estonian Agricultural Registers and Information Board and listed in the animal recording registers of both Estonia and Scotland, thanks to which their offspring will be issued with pedigree certificates from both countries.
All of our breeding bulls are listed in both the Scottish and Estonian herd books.